About Me

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What is there to say? I am a 24 year old student pursuing a degree in nutrition/dietetics. I happen to be a caring person. I care about people, animals, and the environment. I enjoy learning. I love to learn from others. I enjoy reading and watching documentaries about health, psychology, philosophy, religion, politics, and nature. Welcome to this little veg*n's world = )

Sunday, July 13, 2008

July 14 2008: Video Collection of the Week

Since deciding to become a dietitian in the future, I have had many come to me and ask me about Diabetes or tell me I should become a Diabetic Educator. Well, I don't know what the future will hold for me but knowing about Diabetes, even if you don't suffer from it directly, is good. On CNBC, there is a show called DLife which is packed with information regarding Diabetes. I am looking forward to catching more episodes of this show. Because I find much of this show so appealing, I wanted to share it with you in this week's video collection.

Debate over a1c

Diabetes Cooking Tips with Michele

Please let me know what you think of the embedded videos OR of the show if you have watched it. Of course, feel free to talk about anything diabetic related. I love seeing the comments and questions that other posters attempt to answer from their own experiences. HAPPY MONDAY!

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