About Me

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What is there to say? I am a 24 year old student pursuing a degree in nutrition/dietetics. I happen to be a caring person. I care about people, animals, and the environment. I enjoy learning. I love to learn from others. I enjoy reading and watching documentaries about health, psychology, philosophy, religion, politics, and nature. Welcome to this little veg*n's world = )

Monday, July 14, 2008

Smoothie Time

My inspiration for this post?

Chocolate. Yes, that's right. Chocolate. Sweet bite-sized, spoon-sized, pan-filled, cup-filled pieces of paradise. I could eat chocolate every day. While some appropriate portions of the right types of chocolate may be considere healthy, most of us eat the worst kinds in the most terrible ways.

And so.......chocolate smoothies have arrived in this little veg's apartment.

I have made smoothies before...lots of ice, lots of milk, even some ice cream. For the first time now, I made it with silken tofu and it is soooo yummy and thicker than usual.

Here is how I created mine with some of my favorite options- Enjoy! Makes enough for 2-3 people.

1/2 C or 1 C depending on thickness preference silken tofu
1 C soy milk (preferably vanilla or other flavored for sweetness)
1 Banana
7 Ice Cubes
Chocolate as you like it. I use chocolate syrup but Ghirardelli makes a wonderful cocoa powder that is great for smoothies and hot chocolate as well.
Optional: 2tbp peanut butter, 12 finely chopped almonds, blueberries, mint, strawberries, cold coffee, orange juice, pineapple juice, frozen acai, or anything you like = )

If you have some great smoothie recipes to share, please comment with them. Did you try this recipe and think it needs something or want to let me know how good it is? Please comment!

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